Why choose E|E?

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you've had a chance to look around. I thought I ought to start my blog by explaining why you might want to work with E|E.

Look, I’m different from the typical jewelry designer. I’m a scientist by training, with extensive experience as a laboratory-based gemologist at the leading gemological lab. I also have an MBA, and I worked at one of top investment banks on Wall Street. My previous careers inform my work. I approach custom jewelry design like a scientist and like an investment advisor. You won’t find anyone else in the NYC Diamond District—or anywhere else—like that.

So how do I approach my work?

Well first, let’s take the scientist piece. I like clear explanations and logical reasoning, like any scientist worth her salt. When I talk about jewelry with clients, I’m transparent. I like to explain relevant details. For example, I’ll walk a client through why I think a particular gem is a good choice for a piece of jewelry—like, I often recommend sapphire for rings because it’s a very durable gemstone, or I’ll warn a client away from fragile opal if I know her jewelry will encounter heavy wear. If a particular gem is treated, I’ll explain why that matters—like, emerald is often clarity enhanced to hide fractures, and the treatment materials (resins or oils or polymers) typically degrade over time, making the stone appear cloudy. As another example, I like to explain how a piece of jewelry is constructed. Understanding the fabrication process helps the client understand the timeline for project completion and the cost estimates, among other things. I’m not looking to make a sale. I’m looking to make jewelry that the client understands so well that it feels like a part of her. (Or him. Shout out to all the jewelry-wearing guys out there!)

I also think like an investment advisor. On Wall Street I worked in private wealth management, where my team and I managed highly customized investment portfolios for ultra-high net worth clients with long-term investment horizons. Each portfolio contained a mix of investments in different asset classes, the proportions of which were tailored to the individual client. So why does that matter? I got used to looking at all the pieces of something, thinking about the whole they created and how that whole would perform over time. I’d ask myself questions like, how did the different pieces of a portfolio complement one another? Was there too much variety, or not enough? Did the overall portfolio and its individual pieces suit a client’s preferences, needs, and goals? Would the darn thing perform well over time? The custom jewelry design process is incredibly similar. I ask a series of questions to understand a client’s taste and preferences, and I create a particular jewelry item that fits with her (his) lifestyle, wardrobe, and current jewelry collection.

So there you go. Please reach out if any of these musings resonate and you're curious to learn more!



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